
Bottle : 30ml
Level : 3.5 , 5.0
Bottle : 30ml
Level : 3.5 , 5.0
Ratio : 35PG | 65VG

Steam Factory Blue Ballz Salt features blueberries, banana and cream in an orgy of sinful deliciousness. Steam Factory Blue Ballz beckons you with its delicate flavors and gets better with age! If you can hold onto your bottle for long!

Ratio : 35PG | 65VG

Steam Factory Blue Ballz Salt features blueberries, banana and cream in an orgy of sinful deliciousness. Steam Factory Blue Ballz beckons you with its delicate flavors and gets better with age! If you can hold onto your bottle for long!

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Bottle : 30ml
Level : 3.5 , 5.0
Ratio : 35PG | 65VG

Steam Factory Blue Ballz Salt features blueberries, banana and cream in an orgy of sinful deliciousness. Steam Factory Blue Ballz beckons you with its delicate flavors and gets better with age! If you can hold onto your bottle for long!


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